CPI(ML) liberation, AFDR condemns Afzal Guru hanging

BARNALA: The hanging of Afzal Guru though is being welcomed, ultra left party CPI(ML)Liberation and leftist organization association for democratic rights (AFDR) has highly denounced the act. Both the organizations have termed the hanging as travesty of justice and democracy.

CPI(ML)Liberation general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya said the way how in an extremely secretive manner without even informing his family Afzal was hanged is questionable and it will be recognised by every justice-loving person as a case of justice being hanged to appease the communal fascist forces".

He said it is well known fact that Afzal was a surrendered Kashmiri militant who had given himself up to the BSF in 1993 and had since been working in the shadow of the special task force of the Kashmir police, and was implicated in the December 13, 2001 Parliament attack case. He had no lawyer to represent him when the trial court convicted him without any direct evidence and yet the Supreme Court upheld the death penalty in the name of satisfying 'the collective conscience of the society' even as the High Court and the Supreme Court passed adverse remarks on the shoddy nature of investigation and dubious quality of evidence produced by the police.

He said nobody has been hanged for the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom, for all the anti-Muslim violence including the horrific Mumbai and Surat riots of 1992 and the 2002 Gujarat genocide, or for the massacres of dalits, adivasis and other oppressed sections by private armies or the state and the the hanging of Afzal Guru only exposes the double standards of justice.

AFDR state president Prof. Ajmer Aulakh and general secretary Prof. Jagmohan Singh has termed the hanging of Afzal Guru as gross failure of justice system. They said "death sentence is no solution to social problems and there is no place for death sentence in any form in a civilized society.110 countries world over has written off death sentence in their book of law and many other has stopped hanging, terming it as cruel medieval method".

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Space Pictures This Week: Sun Dragon, Celestial Seagull


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Storm Drops More Than 2 Feet of Snow on Northeast

A fierce winter storm brought blizzard conditions and hurricane force winds as the anticipated snowstorm descended across much of the Northeast overnight.

By early Saturday morning, 650,000 homes and businesses were without power and at least five deaths were being blamed on the storm, three in Canada, one in New York and one in Connecticut, The Associated Press reported.

The storm stretched from New Jersey to Maine, affecting more than 25 million people, with more than two feet of snow falling in areas of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

FULL COVERAGE: Blizzard of 2013

In Connecticut, Gov. Dannel Malloy declared a state of emergency and closed all roads in the state. Overnight, snow fell at a rate of up to five to six inches per hour in parts of Connecticut.

In Milford, Conn. more than 38 inches of snow had fallen by Saturday morning.

"If you're not an emergency personnel that's required to be somewhere. Stay home," said Malloy.

In Fairfield, Conn. firefighters and police officers on the day shift were unable to make it to work, so the overnight shift remained on duty.

PHOTOS: Blizzard Hits Northeast

The wind and snow started affecting the region during the Friday night commute.

Darren McCollester/Getty Images

Blizzard Shuts Down Parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts Watch Video

Blizzard 2013: Power Outages for Hundreds of Thousands of People Watch Video

Blizzard 2013: Northeast Transportation Network Shut Down Watch Video

In Cumberland, Maine, the conditions led to a 19-car pile-up and in New York, hundreds of commuters were stranded on the snowy Long Island Expressway. Police were still working to free motorists early Saturday morning.

"The biggest problem that we're having is that people are not staying on the main portion or the middle section of the roadway and veering to the shoulders, which are not plowed," said Lieutenant Daniel Meyer from the Suffolk County Police Highway Patrol."The snow, I'm being told is already over two feet deep."

Bob Griffith of Syosset, N.Y. tried leave early to escape the storm, but instead ended up stuck in the snow by the side of the road.

"I tried to play it smart in that I started early in the day, when it was raining," said Griffith. "But the weather beat us to the punch."

Suffok County Executive Steven Bellone said the snow had wreaked havoc on the roadways.

"I saw state plows stuck on the side of the road. I've never seen anything like this before," Bellone said.

However, some New York residents, who survived the wrath of Hurricane Sandy, were rattled by having to face another large and potentially dangerous storm system with hurricane force winds and flooding.

"How many storms of the century can you have in six months?" said Larry Racioppo, a resident of the hard hit Rockaway neighborhood in Queens, New York.

READ: Weather NYC: Blizzard Threatens Rockaways, Ravaged by Sandy

Snowfall Totals

In Boston, over two feet of snow had fallen by Saturday morning and the National Weather Service anticipated up to three feet of snow could fall by the end of the storm. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick enacted the first statewide driving ban since the 1978 blizzard, which left 27 inches of snow and killed dozens. The archdiocese told parishioners that according to church law the responsibility to attend mass "does not apply where there is grave difficulty in fulfilling obligation."

In New York, a little more than 11 inches fell in the city.

By Saturday morning, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said nearly all of the primary roads had been plowed and the department of sanitation anticipated that all roads would be plowed by the end of the day.

"It looks like we dodged a bullet, but keep in mind winter is not over," said Bloomberg.

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K Street alert! Bangladesh wants you

Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa (R) and his Bangladeshi counterpart Dipu Moni in Tehran in August.
(Behrouz Mehri - AFP/Getty Images)
How does a foreign country get trade preferences from Washington? It hires a lobbyist, of course.

That’s what Bangladesh officials concluded after meeting with a congressional delegation last month.

Bangladesh foreign minister Dipu Moni, briefing reporters after a visit by a delegation led by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), said the group told her that Bangladesh should get duty and quota-free access to U.S. markets, the Financial Express newspaper said.

She said the delegation advised her that countries that have lobbyists get better results.

That proposition may or may not be true, but that’s not exactly what the delegation said, Kingston spokesman Chris Crawford said after checking with Kingston.

“The L word was never mentioned,” Crawford told us, “and “certainly no particular firm was mentioned.”

The point the delegation was making, Crawford said, was that most Americans “don’t know about this country,” even though “Bangladesh is the eighth largest country in the world” in terms of population and the fourth largest Muslim country.

There “was a discussion of the need for Bangladesh to present its case,” Crawford said, much as India and Israel (other stops on the trip) do, using its embassy and expats living in United States.

Others on the delegation, which arrived in Dhaka on Jan. 26, included GOP Reps. Ed Whitfield (Ky.), Scott Tipton (Colo.) and Adam Schiff (Calif.).

But the foreign minister told reporters after the meeting that “we must consider appointing a lobbyist firm as many countries have such firms in the U.S. to look after the overall business interests.”

Score one for Gucci Gulch.

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Millions of Chinese migrant workers head home for Lunar New Year

SHANGHAI : In China this year, more than 700 million people are making their way home for the Lunar New Year.

That makes it the biggest human migration in the world.

And according to researchers, it will take another generation before the immense scale of the Lunar New Year exodus will begin to ease.

The majority of those travelling across China to go home for Lunar New Year are the country's migrant workers who have moved to cities like Shanghai to work.

For most of them, the Spring Festival is the only time of the year when they can actually take leave from work to return to their hometowns and families.

It is a consequence of the country's uneven economic development where for many, leaving home is the only way they can earn a better living.

One migrant worker said: "We don't have that many companies at home. The salaries in Shanghai are much higher."

Another noted: "I have no choice. The pay at home is just too low."

To accommodate the annual surge, the central government is spending billions on new railways.

China's new premier Li Keqiang has also made urbanisation a priority policy in an attempt to rein in the annual exodus.

Billions have already been spent to build subsidised apartments to house the new urbanites.

But that calls for new policies to allow migrant workers to convert their residence of birth or hukou to enjoy privileges currently enjoyed by city residents.

This will, in turn, require more measures to provide healthcare for elderly parents of migrant workers, make it easier for migrant children to attend public schools in cities, and compensate farmers for their land.

All this requires more resources and funding.

Hu Shuyun, from the Urban and Population Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said: "Companies hiring migrant workers were paying a lower premium for social security.

"Now the policy requires them to pay them the same amount as they would a city resident, increasing the firms' expenses a few times. Of course, this will cause companies to make adjustments. Low-cost labour-intensive companies like some we see here in Shanghai may then choose to move away."

Already, some local governments are claiming they are facing difficulties raising funds to build the targeted six million units of affordable housing this year.

Researchers have said that despite the challenges, there has been some progress. Policies in education and social security have been changed in some cities to accommodate migrant workers and their families. But there are still millions of other migrant workers who do not fit the criteria spelt out in current policies, they will continue to be part of this annual human migration for years to come.

- CNA/ms

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Pak minister not to visit India as SAARC meet cancelled

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan commerce minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim has called off a visit to India later this month as a SAARC business meet he was scheduled to attend in New Delhi has been cancelled.

"The commerce minister's visit to India had been approved by the Prime Minister and all arrangements had been completed for the trip."

"However, the 'SAARC Business Leaders Conclave' from February 21-24, which he was scheduled to attend, has been cancelled," an aide to Fahim told PTI.

The aide made it clear that the decision was not linked in any way to recent tensions in bilateral relations.

He was invited to the meet by his Indian counterpart Anand Sharma.

Fahim was also expected to hold talks with Sharma on the sidelines of the regional meet.

Last month, Fahim had called off a scheduled visit to India to attend a partnership summit in Agra in the wake of growing tensions between the neighbours over ceasefire violations along the line of control.

Fahim told reporters he had decided against travelling to India as the business meet would clash with a meeting between a government team and cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri, who recently led a protest to push for electoral reforms.

However, official sources said Fahim's decision was linked to the spike in tensions between India and Pakistan over a string of clashes along the LoC that left two Indian and three Pakistani soldiers dead.

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Asteroid to Make Closest Flyby in History

Talk about too close for comfort. In a rare cosmic encounter, an asteroid will barnstorm Earth next week, missing our planet by a mere 17,200 miles (27,700 kilometers).

Designated 2012 DA14, the space rock is approximately 150 feet (45 meters) across, and astronomers are certain it will zip harmlessly past our planet on February 15—but not before making history. It will pass within the orbits of many communications satellites, making it the closest flyby on record. (Read about one of the largest asteroids to fly by Earth.)

"This is indeed a remarkably close approach for an asteroid this size," said Paul Chodas, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Near Earth Object (NEO) program office in Pasadena, California.

"We estimate that an asteroid of this size passes this close to the Earth only once every few decades."

The giant rock—half a football field wide—was first spotted by observers at the La Sagra Observatory in southern Spain a year ago, soon after it had just finished making a much more distant pass of the Earth at 2.6 million miles (4.3 million kilometers) away.

This time around however, on February15 at 2:24 pm EST, the asteroid will be passing uncomfortably close—ten times closer than the orbit of the moon—flying over the eastern Indian Ocean near Sumatra (map). (Watch: "Moon 101.")

Future Impact?

Chodas and his team have been keeping a close eye on the cosmic intruder, and orbital calculations of its trajectory show that there is no chance for impact.

But the researchers have not yet ruled out future chances of a collision. This is because asteroids of this size are too faint to be detected until they come quite close to the Earth, said Chodas.

"There is still a tiny chance that it might hit us on some future passage by the Earth; for example there is [a] 1-in-200,000 chance that it could hit us in the year 2080," he said.

"But even that tiny chance will probably go away within the week, as the asteroid's orbit gets tracked with greater and greater accuracy and we can eliminate that possibility."

Earth collision with an object of this size is expected to occur every 1,200 years on average, said Donald Yeomans, NEO program manager, at a NASA news conference this week.

DA14 has been getting closer and closer to Earth for quite a while—but this is the asteroid's closest approach in the past hundred years. And it probably won't get this close again for at least another century, added Yeomans.

While no Earth impact is possible next week, DA14 will pass 5,000 miles inside the ring of orbiting geosynchronous weather and communications satellites; so all eyes are watching the space rock's exact trajectory. (Learn about the history of satellites.)

"It's highly unlikely they will be threatened, but NASA is working with satellite providers, making them aware of the asteroid's pass," said Yeomans.

Packing a Punch

Experts say an impact from an object this size would have the explosive power of a few megatons of TNT, causing localized destruction—similar to what occurred in Siberia in 1908.

In what's known as the "Tunguska event," an asteroid is thought to have created an airburst explosion which flattened about 750 square miles (1,200 square kilometers) of a remote forested region in what is now northern Russia (map).

In comparison, an impact from an asteroid with a diameter of about half a mile (one kilometer) could temporarily change global climate and kill millions of people if it hit a populated area.

Timothy Spahr, director of the Minor Planet Center at Cambridge, Massachusetts, said that while small objects like DA14 could hit Earth once a millennia or so, the largest and most destructive impacts have already been catalogued.

"Objects of the size that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs have all been discovered," said Spahr. (Learn about what really happened to the dinosaurs.)

A survey of nearly 9,500 near-Earth objects half a mile (one kilometer) in diameter is nearly complete. Asteroid hunters expect to complete nearly half of a survey of asteroids several hundred feet in diameter in the coming years.

"With the existing assets we have, discovering asteroids rapidly and routinely, I continue to expect the world to be safe from impacts in the future," added Spahr.

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Monster Blizzard Takes Aim at Northeast

A blizzard of possibly historic proportions is set to strike the Northeast, starting today and bringing up to 2 feet of snow and strong winds that could shut down densely populated cities such as Boston and New York City.

A storm from the west will join forces with one from the south to form a nor'easter that will sit and spin just off the East Coast, affecting more than 43 million Americans. Wind gusts will reach 50 to 60 mph from Philadelphia to Boston.

"[It] could definitely be a historic winter storm for the Northeast," Adrienne Leptich of the National Weather Service in Upton, N.Y., said. "We're looking at very strong wind and heavy snow and we're also looking for some coastal flooding."

The snow began falling in New York City shortly before 7 a.m. ET. The snow is expected to mix with some sleet and then turn back into snow after 3 p.m.

New York City is expecting up to 14 inches, which is expected to start this morning with the heaviest amounts falling at night and into Saturday. Wind gusts of 55 mph are expected in New York City and Cape Cod, Mass., could possibly see 75 mph gusts.

Boston, Providence, R.I., Hartford, Conn., and other New England cities canceled school today. Boston and other parts of New England could see more than 2 feet of snow by Saturday.

Weather Forecast: Northeast Braces for Monster Blizzard Watch Video

Winter Storm to Hit Northeast With Winds and Snow Watch Video

Beach erosion and coastal flooding is possible from New Jersey to Long Island, N.Y., and into New England coastal areas. Some waves off the coast could reach more than 20 feet.

"Stay off the streets of our city. Basically, stay home," Boston Mayor Tom Menino warned Thursday.

Blizzard warnings were posted for parts of New Jersey and New York's Long Island, as well as portions of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, including Hartford, New Haven, Conn., and Providence. The warnings extended into New Hampshire and Maine.

To the south, Philadelphia was looking at a possible 4 to 6 inches of snow.

Thousands of flights have already been canceled in anticipation of the storm. Amtrak said its Northeast trains will stop running this afternoon.

Bruce Sullivan of the National Weather Service says travel conditions will deteriorate fairly rapidly Friday night.

"The real concern here is there's going to be a lot of strong winds with this system and it's going to cause considerable blowing and drifting of snow," he said.

Parts of New York, still reeling from October's Superstorm Sandy, are still using tents and are worried how they will deal with the nor'easter.

"Hopefully, we can supply them with enough hot food to get them through before the storm starts," Staten Island hub coordinator Donna Graziano said.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said plows and 250,000 tons of salt were being put on standby.

"We hope forecasts are exaggerating the amount of snow, but you never can tell," Bloomberg said Thursday.

Residents of the Northeast have already begun to hit stores for groceries and tools to fight the mounting snow totals.

The fire department was called in to a grocery store in Salem, Mass., because there were too many people in the store Thursday afternoon trying to load up their carts with essential items.

"I'm going to try this roof melt stuff for the first time," Ian Watson of Belmont, Mass., said. "Just to prevent the ice dam. ... It's going be ugly on that roof."

ABC News' Max Golembo and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Possible SIA revamp on the cards

SINGAPORE: As the aviation industry continues to be plagued by rising fuel costs and weakness in the global economy, Singapore Airlines has seen its profits being squeezed as more travellers turn to cheaper alternatives.

The airline, which is Asia's second largest by market capitalisation, cautioned on Thursday that loads and yields for its passenger and cargo businesses are expected to remain under pressure.

In an effort to further slash costs, SIA has also recently reduced its cockpit crew.

Competition from gulf carriers and budget airlines has significantly affected the profits of legacy carriers. With costs of jet fuel set to rise even further, analysts say it is imperative for legacy carriers such as SIA to revamp itself, either with new product offerings or new destinations.

"SIA has always done exceptionally well with its offering of premium products... But perhaps it's time for them to re-look the premium economy segment... which is an area where many other competitors are looking at," said Shukor Yusof, an aviation analyst with Standard & Poor's.

"If they were to come up with something that would entice passengers that are currently flying low cost carriers and if they can manage the fares in a way that would attract large numbers on board, then it would work," he said.

Besides SilkAir, SIA has also started its long-haul low-cost offshoot Scoot, in an attempt to glean some profits from the low cost carrier segment.

However some believe SIA should continue to pump money to protect its premium seats segment.

"Their premium sector is what holds them up. They've high yielding passengers and if they try to reduce that, they will lose them to other premium carriers like Cathay, Qantas, (or) Emirates," said Shashank Nigam, CEO of Simpliflying.

"Singapore airlines, while they're part of Star Alliance, they're not very close to their members so certainly after having sold (their) Virgin Atlantic stake, they should be looking at other partnerships to enhance passenger experience," he added.

Besides teaming up with Emirates, competitor Qantas has also announced its intention to form stronger links to the key hubs of Singapore and Hong Kong, paving the way for more head-on competition with SIA.

Analysts say some of these enhancements should include more technology updates to appeal to the well-connected traveller.

- CNA/jc

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SC nod to Zakia for protest petition against SIT report

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday allowed Zakia Jafri to file a fresh protest petition in a trial court against the SIT's closure report reportedly giving clean chit to Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi in a 2002 riot case in Ahmedabad in which her husband and ex-Congress MP was killed.

The apex court directed that the widow of slain leader Ehsan Jafri be supplied with entire report of the inquiry by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in the 2002 Gulberg Housing Society riot case of Ahmedabad to enable her to file the protest petition.

It clarified that the report shall be supplied without the comments of the SIT chief and she can file a protest petition within two months from the date of receiving the material against the SIT's closure report in the case in which 69 people, including her husband, were killed by a mob on February 28, 2002.

"We clarify that the petitioner (Jafri) is entitled to entire inquiry report placed in sealed envelope before this court on May 12, 2010," a bench comprising justices P Sathasivam, Aftab Alam and Ranjana Prakash Desai said.

It also set aside two orders of the Ahmedabad trial court of July 16 and November 27 of last year.

She had filed an appeal against the orders rejecting her demand for preliminary report filed by AK Malhotra, member of the SIT, in the Supreme Court and accepting the SIT closure report filed on March 13, 2012 in the case respectively.

The bench in its order said that the statement recorded during the inquiry of the complaint filed by Jafri should be treated as the statement recorded under section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which involves examination of witnesses.

It also said that the statements recorded during the inquiry would only be used for taking decision on the closure report filed by the SIT into the case.

The apex court made it clear that "the present order is confined to the case in which the complaint was filed by Zakia on June 8, 2006" in which she had sought inquiry against Modi and others with regard to 2002 riots.

Gujarat's additional advocate general Tushar Mehta told the bench that the state government was not taking adverserial stand in the case. He said six out of the nine cases investigated by the SIT have resulted in conviction.

Senior advocate Raju Ramachandran, who was assisting the court as amicus curaie in the matter, said the widow was entitled for entire material sought by her.

The apex court on September 12, 2011 had passed the order relating to supply of documents to Zakia.

It had also asked the SIT, which probed the riot cases including the Ahmedabad Gulberg Housing Society massacre case in which former Congress MP Jafri had been killed, to forward its final report to the local court.

Zakia has filed the petition challenging the trial court's order rejecting her plea for supply of some documents relating to the investigation in the case including the probe report filed by Malhotra.

She was seeking the documents to file a protest petition against the SIT's closure report in the case.

Zakia contended that the court's refusal to allow her access the documents pertaining to the investigation by the SIT into the case was coming in the way of her filing the protest petition against the closure report.

The court was hearing Zakia's appeal against July 16, 2012 order of the trial court, which had rejected her demand for preliminary report filed by Malhotra in the Supreme Court after the inquiry into her complaint against Modi and others with regard to 2002 riots.

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